A Year of Losses

Honestly, it’s been more than a year, but this last year, the losses hit me. Father-in-law, May 2017, my daddy in August 2017, Grandmother October 2018, around 13 family and friends, all gone. Passed away. It all happened so fast, it was a blur. And–it might sound crazy to add these as losses, but anyContinue reading “A Year of Losses”

Forty-three years later, and I’m still dealing with the HOARD! Ugh.

As a little girl, we lived in destitute conditions because they couldn’t stop buying. Now, I’m all grown up and we’re having to go through a four bedroom, 3 bath house searching out our valuables: pictures, documents, and a few family heirlooms. The rest has been ruined by rat and canine feces. When we findContinue reading “Forty-three years later, and I’m still dealing with the HOARD! Ugh.”

The Child of a Hoarder-Climbing from Under the Mountain

Hoarding leaves emotional scars. My life has been a wonderful one, my childhood having made me stronger, but it hasn’t been without emotional wounds that are still open and festering today. When I grew up the hoarding didn’t go away, I did when I moved out. I’m still battling it as a middle-aged adult, and as my parents age the mountain only gains a steeper climb.


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